Friday, March 21, 2008


Ah, with each blog I share a little more of myself, which may not be a good thing. I really enjoy exercising. That is of course as long as I don't know or realize I'm exercising! My favorite exercise, for the past 2 years now or so - has been to ride the stationary bike. I do enjoy riding my bike outside more - but the elements, weather, traffic, stop signs, pot holes, cars parked across the sidewalk, children, pets, etc. tend to offer additional challenges. I enjoy the comfort of my stationary bike. I can sweat and pedal at my leisure and no one beeps, gawks or tries to run me off the road.

Being the queen of multi-taskers though, I don't JUST ride the stationary bike. I USE to put the stationary bike in front of the t.v. and play Galaga. Oh yes, a wonderfully fun game of the 80's, although I wasn't a fan of it then! I could sit in front of the t.v. and play 2 games and be on the bike for an hour+ and not even realize it. Then that got old because I could no longer beat the high score. I haven't played in a long time but I think it was around 600,000. I tried Galaxia and I wasn't any good at that. Dig Dug, now that was a good game to play while riding too! Funny thing was, I couldn't play any of the games well if I wasn't riding! Then I had this great idea of moving the stationary bike in front of guessed it...the computer!

I LOVE to play cards online. At first I would play euchre or hearts but those became boring. So I taught myself spades and to this day, that's about all I will play - suicide spades with an occasional mirrors or regular spades. My goal is to typically ride 8 miles while I play, but it's often more. To also pass time, I would add a movie on the DVD player - since I needed to watch my blockbuster online movies too! I haven't been watching as much movies, nor riding the bike as much - which is a huge disappointment physically and emotionally. The commute seems to really be wearing on me and I'm missing my exercise and cards. I have managed to add some of Jillian's videos (from the Biggest Loser) into my workout at the hotel. My favorite - likely because it's the easiest for me - is the kickboxing. Last night I talked myself into riding the bike, of course by then it was 11:45p.m. - but I managed to get in 12 miles before I decided I should think about bed.

Well I'm off to exercise :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi man if you're into spades and playing it online, you should check out they have some cool online spades game there