Thursday, March 27, 2008

Directionally Incompetent

I have to say that one of my huge personal flaws - I'm completely and utterly directionally incompetent! I don't know how I manage to do it, I truly do it well, I can get lost repeatedly. I have been commuting for almost 4 months now - and I still manage to get turned around.

This morning was no exception! I can't even blame it on the fact that I was sidetracked talking on the phone and missed my street! Nope, no excuses here. I completely acknowledge that I have no directional commonsense. To my benefit, I can manage to get to the office and home without problems, really. A new construction project has closed the street that I normally take, so the detours have me all messed up. The fact that street signs are limited doesn't help when I'm looking for a certain street. I was in circles for 15 minutes this morning - I was so messed up I finally found the highway and got back on it to go another mile to start again! Seriously, that's BAD. And I don't know who comes up with street names - drives me crazy. When they think it's all cute to have the same theme - all trees, presidents, etc. Are they in any kind of order, alphabetical, smallest to largest, first to last? Not that that would help me if I could decipher it anyway. Well where I work, every street other than "Michigan Avenue" is the name of a county in Michigan. Nice...FYI there are 82 counties in Michigan. No wonder I was lost!

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