Thursday, April 24, 2008

Incoherent Ramblings

I just walked in the door from work, it is 12:15a.m. I think I can almost admit I'm physically exhausted. Of course my body is still aching in pain from the concrete pounding. I think I may have a mild form of whiplash or neck injury since my neck has clearly been in discomfort all day - if I could remove my head, I think I could feel some pressure relief!

My girlfriend called me tonight at work and I had to laugh at her message. Normally, I'm either at home, work or at Meijer. My life truly isn't all that complicated. She called at 10:15p.m. and I was on the phone and knew I needed to get some more things done before I called it a night. Her message said she tried me at home and on my cell, so maybe I was on a date! Now that, is FUNNY.

I managed to get quite a bit accomplished today, for the most part. I don't know how people manage to work 16 hour or more shifts - definitely not for me! I wrote my book, 2.5 page complaint letter to the tour company as well as my separate claim letter for my "trip interruption" due to the 777 FAA cancellation. I wonder if I will get a response, since to sum the letter up, I suggested that TG and Bus Driver be fired, ok maybe in a more politically correct way, kinda.

The lead/my boss at my current job asked me mid-day if I was staying at the hotel tonight. Seeing that the weather is nicer, I don't want to stay cooped up in a hotel 1.5 hours from home. Besides, with little to keep me busy, I can leave work much earlier to accommodate the drive then if I stay in the hotel. Apparently, she decided she wants me to attend some meeting in the morning at 9a.m. Which isn't a huge deal for me to get in that early since I don't have my son, but then she couldn't make up her mind if I should go to the meeting or not. Sigh...incompetence drives me crazy! And, I'm tired of being considered a "threat" for knowing my job - I would think that the leads would be happy to have me there to make them look better overall, but that doesn't seem to be the case either. They would prefer to have people work under them that choose to pacify their time by surfing Cafe Mom and other websites all day! I've been advised by my co-workers to keep my mouth shut and lay low, but well, that just isn't me. Anyway, so the fact that I know that this meeting didn't JUST come up mid-day today, it would have been nice for her to let me know, say yesterday!

This week is t.v. turn-off week. Not that I'm a big t.v. watcher, because I'm really not. And in referencing the depression thing, I also have lost interest in even watching American Idol this season. I did manage to see most of the season of Biggest Loser, but even that was challenging. I just haven't had the desire to sit in front of the tube. Tomorrow the city is putting on a family fun night, a safe and "fun" alternative to t.v. I thought maybe it was a way to get out of my box and socialize. My son has baseball practice on Friday, or did. The coach mentioned on Monday that he may move practice to Thursday because of possible rain on Friday. Figures. I really think that we may have gone, too.

Then again, with my bruised chin, maybe not. No one seemed to notice today, or they dared not mention it. My normal lunch buddy and co-worker was out of the office today otherwise I'm sure he would have said something. I did bring it up to another worker at the end of the day and she said that she saw it and thought that I had blue ink on my chin, but got sidetracked and didn't mention it. Wow, not sure which is worse! LOL Maybe when it starts to turn yellow and green I can act like I fell asleep while holding a highlighter in my hand. Yeah, I have to be able to come up with something better than that!

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