Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Biking Issues Cont.

Maybe I jinxed myself the other day. When my friends came over, my girlfriend continues on crutches after 11 weeks. She broke her leg in three spots snowmobiling and was fortunate enough that the injuries weren't worse. She is hoping to be weight bearing in the next few weeks. Her goal is to hike by the end of the summer and ski this winter. She has lost 6 lbs. and her one leg has become "super skinny".

Trying to make light of the situation, I pondered how I could manage to get a (both even better) super skinny leg and lose six pounds, plus be off work for minimum of three months. Snowmobiling is now out of the question, but I think I may have even joked about a bike injury but figured with my luck I would manage something even worse - so decided best not to try! Of course, it was all in good fun. Or was it???

My entire right side of my body is aching. My knee is swollen as well, but fortunately it seems to be functioning fine. The ibuprofen is doing nothing to ease the pain. I even managed to sit with an ice pack on my hip and in my hands resting my chin on it for the last hour or so. And, I forgot to mention before I managed to biff it, I managed to get my favorite sweats caught in the chain not once, but four times! By then, I figured I should roll them up before I managed to get hurt! So much for that prevention technique. So not only will I be bruised, I managed to tear up my favorite sweats too.

I hope this isn't the prologue of my summer. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it was my first time on a bike, EVER!

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