Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Slight Scare

I would have to say that I don't scare easily, although I clearly am known for jumping and an occasional scream in a movie. More often then not, I'm the silent scared type ~ where the blood starts racing and the heart begins to pulsate. I have on very rare occasions, been so scared that I think I had silent tears.

Tonight, I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her about the various flight options. I was sitting on my couch in my hurricane-proof house, which sits in between three windows. My house is pretty sound proof, for the most part. As I was sitting all snug under a blanket I heard a rattle. Then a clang. Then more like a clatter. Seeing that it isn't December, I knew it wasn't St. Nick! Seriously though, I have metal window grates that are alongside my driveway that cover the window wells. In theory it sounds like an egress window, but it's not. I use to joke that they are my time-out boxes. It sounded like someone was outside walking on the grates. Or, it could have been something in my new duct work for the furnace. I honestly couldn't tell. My chimney cap is coming off the chimney too, so it could be another critter down my chimney.

At this point, I have no idea. The noise starts, then it stops. It rattles and as I listen, it stops. When I talk, it starts. My mom is beginning to panic and I'm starting to get a little creeped out myself. Who would be pounding around on my grates when the driveway is clear? My mom suggests that I call 911 or grab a few knives. Great plan, not.

With cell phone in hand, I turn off all the house lights, something about being a single parent living alone, most of the times it's no big deal, but times like tonight make you wish that there was someone bigger to either protect you. Anyway, I stand at the side door and slowly open it peering outside. I don't see anyone or anything in the driveway. I turn on the garage light which lights part of the driveway. Again nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Feeling brave I meander out around the driveway and I hear, "mmmmeeeeeooooowwwww". I walk to the smaller grate and in the dark, I can tell there is a cat in the grate! It was able to reach up and paw at the grate, hence the banging and racket. I lifted the grate and not even a second later it was out and gone. I couldn't even tell you how big it was or what it looked like. That was clearly a first in 9 years!

I'm beginning to feel like Alice in Wonderland with all my critters. I've had a squirrel eat threw my kitchen screen window to eat at my fresh baked chocolate cookies. I've had a raccoon in my chimney. And now I can add a cat in my window well. Always an adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was something in your garage too!!