Sunday, May 25, 2008

Contacts Cont.

It is officially Day 3. Day 3 of my son wearing contacts. I still have complete mixed feelings on the issue. I still think he's too young and too irresponsible. Not to say that my son is irresponsible, but not responsible enough to have the knowledge and understanding of being responsible to clean and put something in his eye.

Friday he mastered putting in his contacts and taking them out. By "mastered" I mean, he managed after 45 minutes to successfully do both warranting him "graduating" his class thereby leaving the eye doctor with contacts in hand. I must admit this happened a lot sooner than I had anticipated, maybe even hoped. Maybe somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I was hoping he would fail. Hoping for some reason as to why, out of my control, he wouldn't be able to wear contacts. Not just yet at least. Although, I still think, he may opt for the glasses (fingers crossed).

Anyway, super excited, he called his dad to tell him of his recent accomplishment. Needless to say, his overly emotional and ecstatic father said, "It will get easier." Then he proceeded to ask him a barrage of questions wondering as to WHY the eye doctor wouldn't give him two week extended wear contacts that he could sleep in and not bother to clean. Sigh...seriously, are we really from the same planet?

Today my son asked that I not be in the bathroom while he tried to put in his contacts. He said that all I do is "yell" at him about how he needs to move the contact up toward the center of his eye and this and that, thereby getting him all worked up. Sigh...oh the definition of "yell". If he only knew how loud I could "YELL". I did my best to not say anything at all while I stood beside him in our small commode. I put in my own contacts, put on some haphazard make-up, even tried to take off my horrendously awful sparkle nail polish. I did my best to distract myself but be there if he needed assistance. Of course, he did. He had problem after problem. The first being, he still can't tell if his contact is inside out or not and more than 50% of the time, he has been wrong. I've tried to explain it, show him, demonstrate it, I'm just not getting through to him. Oh well, he did manage to get them both in (and took the one out twice too!).

I can only hope this gets better. Maybe his dad can offer some assistance for once and help him master contacts between Monday and Tuesday night! One can wish, right?

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