Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Honesty & Blog

I'm sitting here at my computer with a million different thoughts racing through my mind. None of which I think I'll blog about. It may seem that I blog about everything, in reality I really don't. I know that there are friends that read this blog to gain insight into my world and happenings, or truly lack thereof. Mostly though, there aren't too many secrets with me. With me, you get what you get.

I would have to say that I'm an honest person. I truly don't lie well. I can even try to be evasive and that doesn't go well either. Poker clearly isn't my game. I'm almost too honest. Too blunt. Too direct. If you don't want to know, don't ask. And well, even if you don't ask, maybe I'll still tell you. Maybe not.

Like this morning, JA didn't like that I sided with her husband about not driving his motorcycle to work today. I wasn't siding with him, just pointing out the obvious. Not that I thought she was wrong, just stating my point of view which was the same as her husband, coincidentally. Maybe if I was a better friend, I should have said what she wanted to hear and to support her. I'm not that kind of friend.

Tonight I received a phone call from another friend (A). I felt like I was caught in the middle. I was questioned if I talked with another friend (B) (is this seeming schoolish?) about an issue. I hadn't talked to that other friend(B), which then apparently led to another issue as to WHY I hadn't talked to that friend (B). Following this? I added letters to help clarify. Apparently (B) is upset that I haven't talked with her, which there is no reason why I haven't, I just haven't. Sometimes, I just don't talk to people. Not because I'm being anti-social, I'm just not really all that social. Especially when it comes to my free time, it doesn't usually coincide with my friends availability either. I learned how (B) found out about (A) and why (A) would think I was involved, which clearly I wasn't. Wow...this is giving me a headache. So I found myself doing damage control for something that I was entirely not involved with! I was guilty for not getting in touch with (B) but that wasn't out of the ordinary for our relationship anyway.

Regardless, what it all seems to boil down to is...what I read a few weeks back in some article, be careful what you blog/write. You never know when it might come back.

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