Monday, June 2, 2008


Pool boy called on Saturday night and was surprised to hear that I was in town hanging out with TS. He invited us to join he and his friend at the pool hall. He even went so far to offer to buy me a drink - as long as it was free and didn't include ice or a straw! He then offered he would buy TS a drink and give her a hug too! A hug wasn't offered to me, but a "fabulous foot massage" was! Have I mentioned how much I hate my own feet let alone people touching them?

TS and I decided to head to the pool hall, even though it was about 1/2 hour or so the opposite direction from my parents, where I was staying for the night. I made a bet with TS that I figured Pool Boy would ignore me once we got there. Needless to say, I recognized his friend first and then him and approached him. So much for winning the bet! Pool Boy then went to offer TS a drink and left his friend and I chatting and both equally surprised that he left.

I was perfectly ready to just hang with TS and do whatever, but apparently Pool Boy and TS made plans to have us play darts. Two dart games and 2.5 hours later, we were being kicked out of the bar. Pool Boy did give me a hug in the parking lot.

TS tried to decipher the whole situation for me, since I'm oblivious and just don't get it. Maybe I'm too old. She thinks Pool Boy likes me but is just too young and shy. Hmmm...yep, I really am THAT old.

As a side note, LL called as I was trying to get ready to leave for the other side of the state. She mentioned that she and her mom (the owner of Opal) had been talking about me and my singleness. She wondered why I was single. LL summed it up that the ex-BF was "weak" and that I wasn't ready for a new relationship. Her mom was surprised that with my personality and looks that I am single and I suppose her new knowledge of my ability to read makes me equally marketable!

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