Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Drink Wheel - BAC Estimator

Have you ever wondered approximately what your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level is after drinking? I know that I have. There have definitely been times where I've thought after the fact that maybe I had one or a few too many.

Many years ago, I found The Drink Wheel online. I've kept it on my work computer in my favorites ever since. Occasionally, I'll click on it and check it out or have it estimate my latest adventure that may have included a few beverages. Like Sunday night...but according to the drink wheel with my weight and the amount of time I consumed the alcohol, my BAC was .000, which other than being tired, I was pretty sure was accurate.

I thought I would share the site: http://www.nova.edu/gsc/drinkwheel.html

By no means am I advocating to drink and drive or to act irresponsibly, I just thought I would share this for your own personal knowledge and reference.

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