Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bottom Of the Bucket

Sometimes, like today, I feel like I've hit the bottom of the bucket by joining a dating site. Maybe I did, since this dating site is free. JA tells me that maybe I should "buy" into a real dating site and then I'll have better luck!

Yeah, I really didn't have any better luck when I did that years ago either. At least this site is free and good for some laughs. Besides, I don't know when I'd even find time to consider making a date, let alone actually meeting someone!

Today I happened to get two messages, a wink and a friend request from some new guy. His emails were all in caps and he told me I'm "awesome" and that he wants to have a "relationship" and gave me his cell. Seriously?

Then there is the guy I've emailed a few times that can't spell to save his life, or maybe he just can't type. Although his emails are seriously five words or less. He gave me his phone number and then proceeded to email me a few times to see if he "scar" (sic scare) me off since I didn't call him! Or the guy that deleted all my messages when I asked if people were sane on the site - after he said that I was.

Yes, seriously, when I don't think they can get any worse...they prove me wrong again.

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