Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Incompetence & Inaccuracy Issues

My core being...I believe in being honest and I believe in being competent. I'm not going to say that I've never been dishonest in my life or completely incompetent at something I attempted to do, but as a rule of thumb, I believe in being honest, fair, equal and competent at everything I strive or attempt to do.

Today was a day where at every turn, I seemed to be nose to nose with incompetence. Incompetence pisses me off. So much so that I even questioned a few if I have an anger issue. I didn't want to hurt anyone or anything, I just get so upset with rampant incompetence.

Here's a brief list of only a few issues of incompetence today:
1) Hotel clerk that stares at guests rather than assisting despite a line at the front desk
2) A co-worker at the hotel "sick" today although out of his room, getting coffee and reading the paper
3) Driver crossing lanes to turn
4) Driver braking for no apparent reason when already driving under the posted speed limit
5) First meeting of the morning - passing the buck rather than being accountable for one's actions or lack thereof
6) Second meeting - same issue
7) Email from Supervisor (at another agency) blaming me for something that she and her staff didn't do saying that it must have gotten "lost in the shuffle" with me commuting four days a week - buck stops there
8) Worker from another agency returns calls twice - first not knowing what she's calling back for and the second time leaving a message calling me by my Supervisor's name. When I talk to her she tries to justify "stretching" documentation (falsifying documentation is illegal!) and then gets mad at me when I tell her it is unacceptable and it needs to be correct before submitting again
9) Chatting online with someone that can be honest about why he walks 9 miles a day, says he walks slow but does it in like 1.5 hours - yeah my ass! I saw this guys picture, no way he does 10 minute miles - so I call him out on it and he says, well it isn't like it's my hobby, I don't time it.

Seriously, if I were to walk 9 miles a day, if I did this consistently, I'm pretty sure I could tell you how many steps it was! The first thing I would know is how long it took me. I don't have 2 hours plus to walk every day. And then for him to say it wasn't a hobby? DING, DING...I think someone finally came home. Yep, dude doesn't have a license! I had first asked if he had a job, then I realized the license thing and without asking I asked if he walked to work. Love game players...NOT.

The guy asked if I wanted to meet him sometime. That was before I learned about the walking and that his clarification was SHADY. I couldn't respond. I told him I was speechless. What do you say? Umm yeah, I saw your picture and from your profile and conversation you have nothing that I'm looking for in a potential dating partner? Then the more we chatted, let alone a friend?

If someone can't be honest and I find out, see ya! I don't care if you have all your teeth or not, lying and incompetence is a complete deal breaker!

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