Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tensisity at the Office

Tonight is a night for another new word...tensisity. Definition: (v) The activity or action of being tense;

Use in a sentence: It seems that the tensisity in the lab at work has been immensely elevated as of late.

Maybe I encouraged the increased levels of tensisity in the office beginning Monday when I was asked to "check" a co-worker's work/level of competence by his completed work. Needless to say, I was caught in the act of correcting, redoing and discarding much of his work from the previous business day. He volunteered to work on the project a little more but by that point I was in the middle of it and preferred to finish it in a timely and correct manner, so I opted to finish it myself.

The result, my co-worker/lunch buddy hasn't gone to lunch with me let alone really talked to me in two days. And, I'm sure this sounds terrible, but I'm actually completely OK with that.

See, I have a very low tolerance for incompetence. My co-worker is completely incompetent in regard to our jobs and performance. Not to say that he isn't a nice and well meaning person, he just feels that office politics is more important than progress and competence. Since January, he still has yet to understand much of his job and he's OK with that. I'm not. But, I'm not his Supervisor. Clearly, if I was, I wouldn't want him as an employee. And, I'm now beginning to find it difficult to separate being friends and working when I'm continuously assisting/enabling or doing his job and mine. There has been talk that the lead is hoping to have him replaced, which personally, I think it's time. Don't worry, he won't be fired or unemployed, he'll return to his original worksite.

I think I'll be OK with eating lunch on my own too. Afterall, I'm a scarfer by nature ready to return to work when I'm done whereas he's slower than molasses and has no qualms about taking as much time as possible. It was a pleasure to get to know him...but as I once read somewhere, friends come and go in our lives - some with a special meaning some for only a season...winter is gone and Spring has Sprung!

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