Thursday, July 24, 2008

Welcome to the World

A big huge congratulations are in order as LL and JL gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Charlotte Emma, last night at 9:59p.m. Kudos to LL as she gave birth to a healthy, 9lb. 8oz. baby naturally!

Of course it was all about me. Isn't everything all about me? I had talked with LL on Tuesday and had learned that the baby hadn't passed the stress test and she was being induced yesterday morning. I do know that I'm not LL's only friend, but she should definitely know how much I worry! I did try to be patient and I waited until 6:30p.m. to call and had to leave her a message. I did find out today, for good reason she didn't answer the phone, but it didn't settle my nerves.

I even teared up hoping that nothing had gone wrong with the delivery and that both LL and baby were doing wonderfully, if in fact baby had entered the world. I tried not to worry too much, but as anyone who knows me well, that's an understatement.

Then, there it was...a message from LL this morning. I jumped around the hotel room and impatiently listened to the message. LL sounds good, but she did nothing to confirm the birth of a new bundle of joy. She mentioned that I should give her a call and that people would be in and out of her room all day. WHAT? Seriously??? How could she do this to me?

I called her immediately to get her voicemail, again. I waited impatiently. I brought my cell to my 1:00p.m. meeting. All my co-w0rkers knew of my anticipation of the waited call. And nothing. I called her again at 2:30p.m. to leave another voicemail. If I had the ability to take a tranquilizer or some relaxers, I might have. I didn't have anyone else's number to call and I was going crazy. And then, at 3:30p.m. she called to give me the wonderful news!

I couldn't be happier for them! For their long awaited miracle. May she bring them mounds of love, happiness and joy, always. For she is truly blessed, as are they!

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