Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Dress

I would definitely say that I'm a tomboy. I'm not into the whole high maintenance thing. I don't care for shopping. I only paint my nails for really special occasions (weddings) since I manage to ruin them regardless of how many HOURS I allow them to dry. I have long hair which I sometimes style or color, but mainly I rationalize that it's dead and I have better things to spend $100 and change on that needs to be colored every month. I'm a realist. I'm not materialistic at all - fashion and name brand anything mean nothing to me. I wouldn't say that I'm frugal, but I definitely rationalize a great majority of my purchases.

With that being said...I had a 30% coupon at Kohl's. I definitely wanted to find some more tops to wear with my capris since I'm not big into shorts either. Something about thunder thighs and my knee surgery scars...anyway. So I rummaged around the store, sifted through clearance racks and continued on my fashion barista mistaka mission to find color. Yep, regardless of what the guy said about me trying to look like I walked out of Fashion Bug Plus and/or Layne Bryant and that color made me look bigger, I looked for color.

And...I found it. I actually purchased three dresses of a wide variety. Mind you, I don't wear dresses. Not that I'm opposed to them, I just never seem to have a reason to wear them. When dating the ex-bf his idea of dress up wasn't really more than dockers and a button down shirt, so a dress definitely over-dressed him. I do occasionally by a dress every year in the event that maybe I will wear it, but typically don't. So the idea that I bought three dresses and a pair of black patent leather shoes - oh yeah - fashion here I come...or not so much as it may be. Regardless those and a handful of underwear and a bra with the discount came to under $75, how could I go wrong?

So without further ado, I decided to wear the dress and the new shoes the following day, yesterday. The dress is REALLY comfortable and to me seems more like a bathing suit cover up, but whatever.

I asked my son what he thought of my dress as we got ready to leave for our day. He said he didn't like it. I asked, "What don't you like about it?" His response, "The dress."

Seriously, he is SOOOOO my son! So with my son's shaky hand at the camera - here it is:

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