Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kalamazoo Klash Enduro - 4th of July

Tonight we went to the Kalamazoo Klash, 200 lap Enduro event. This is our second year that we have gone to watch cars crash and smash all in the name of fun! Fortunately no one was injured tonight. Apparently, the last enduro was over Memorial Weekend and all top 5 finishers had to start at the back of the 120 car event. The track is 3/8 of a mile and when a car becomes disabled, the driver is removed but the car remains as is on the track.

The lead car for the event, which was run "backwards" (counterclockwise) was whom my son picked to win the event. He won it the last time and he prevailed again this year.

The firework display was pretty good too. My son admitted that he couldn't get the smile off of his face. Even the patriotic country music during the fireworks was enjoyable!

Exiting the track parking lot took a little while, but even that wasn't too bad. We had a great time and I would highly recommend experiencing an Enduro race at least once in your lifetime!

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