Monday, July 7, 2008

D DAY...

Date's midnight, the official witching hour and the count down as it is now date day. Maybe I should be freaking out. Maybe I should be counting the hours, minutes, seconds until he and I will meet. Maybe I should be encrypting his picture in my mind and everything we've ever discussed. Maybe I should be committed...since maybe afterall...

I'm really not feeling anything. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

Ok, maybe I'm feeling a little pressured that I'll have to come up with Plan E since there is a 40% plus chance of scattered thunderstorms. Even in the remote chance that it isn't raining at the exact time that we are planning on playing disc golf, if it has rained anytime during the day, the woods will be a mess and the mosquitoes will be like vampires. Seeing that it took almost three days to come up with a time and location, it could take three more days to come up with some back up plan.

Not that we really have the logistics down anyway. We have the time and the plans, but he never did respond to meeting somewhere since he's not from the same town and it's a bit tricky to find the restaurant and/or the park. I guess we'll just have to talk on the phone or something tomorrow...yeah, that might help!

If anything...I think I'm sad. Sad that I won't be able to say, after 1730 hours that it's been over six months since I've been on a date. And honestly for some remote bizarreness, that does make me sad. Maybe since it's the opposite reason I stayed with the ex-bf for so long...I wanted to see if I could date someone for more than six months when I wasn't either engaged or pregnant.

Now I know that sounds bad. Seriously, it does. Seeing that I've only ever been pregnant once and engaged to one other person besides the man who impregnated me (see I didn't call him the sperm donor!). Because really, those three relationships (counting the ex-bf) have been a total of over 10 years of my dating life. A decade. I'm pretty sure that there was a time in my life where it was longer than six months that I didn't date and yes, that was after I had my first date at almost 16!'s not really time to digress...onward and upward. To new beginnings and to dating (cough, choke, gag...)

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