Monday, July 7, 2008

Dating Disaster?

Today was of course the big Date Day. Six long months of waiting and I entered the day in typical ME fashion. Sure enough...couldn't sleep since I was irritated by some loser online that put me on the defensive. I found myself wide awake over 1.5 hours after I went to bed, which was already 2:00a.m.

To make matters worse, I woke up and looked at the clock at 8:07a.m., having managed to set my cell phone alarm to p.m. Seriously, this shit really does happen! Work was work, nothing too exciting to report throughout the day, except for the torrential downpour right at the time that I needed to leave the office and walk the 6+ blocks to my car. Super, since I already had that crazed look from the quick shower and curly humidity attack, why not add some rain too?

Got home from work and had about 1/2 hour before I needed to leave to meet Mr. Date. In my driveway I was welcomed by a dead bird that was being ravished by flies. this seriously a bad omen?

Managed to attempt to rectify the hair by adding more curls, which did absolutely nothing. But I was too busy talking to girlfriend LL to give more than a half-hearted attempt to beautify myself.

We met at a nearby parking lot and I offered to drive, since I knew where I was going. And so it was, a sucker was born! Seriously, ever since I could drive, most of my friends opt not to have me drive. I'm not sure why that is! He did offer to follow me, but didn't make sense since I knew we were going to be all over the place. I didn't even attempt to harm him!

At the disc golf, doused in bug spray, we headed off on our merry way. This now being my third time, didn't really make it that much easier to find the way around. I quickly acknowledged how much I wasn't good at it, but we did laugh and it seemed like a good ice breaker - nothing like throwing a disk straight into a tree about four feet away! But it got better, I managed to stumble over a small stump which sent me flying about 25 feet if not more and me trying to out run the fall as I could see and feel the face plant before it happened - fortunately, I was able to save it...yep, talk about classy. Probably before hole 6, I'm sweating up a storm, put my hair in a ponytail and half smear the mud from the discs all over my sweaty face. So classic.

When we finish, we head to dinner. After we get seated at a rocky, unstable table for two, I head to the bathroom to wash my hands. My face isn't too bad but the hair is just trashed. Oh well, such is life. That's ME.

Dinner and conversation are going fine. He is definitely nice enough and attractive. So if I wasn't such an ass and there weren't all the other issues, the date was going grand.

During dinner, he received a work call so I went to the bathroom. At which point I learn that the zipper on my pants is busted! Super. Yep, so my life. Fortunately I had a long shirt on so he wouldn't notice. Must have broke when I tried to be super woman. And I was obviously even warmer than I thought too. Nice. I would have loved to go home to change, but I wasn't going to take him back to my house, so on I went.

Toward the end of dinner he asked if I wanted to do something else or if I needed to get home. Home to what? So he suggested miniature golf, which he proceeded to kick my ass again. I'm so glad that I'm use to losing to my son, since I'm seriously taking the brutal beating well.

Afterward, I drive to take him to his car, at which point he mentioned that the exit didn't say the street name I had suggested. So I wanted to check it out - 10 miles later. Not that there weren't 18 other indicators to the exit that I gave him, but he didn't listen. I had already learned that his expertise map reading skills were for crap when reading the disc golf map! He was right that the exit didn't have the street name.

At his car, he said thanks and maybe we can hangout again. Ok. And that was it. Until I got home and he had already im'd me asking what I thought of him. And then came the im, "would you like to something wed?"

What? Of course what I read was, "would I like something to wed?" Dude, I just met you. What he meant to say was would I like to DO something Wednesday. Whew...I knew that he couldn't have fallen that quickly. Afterall, I was the one literally attempting to fall for him!

So maybe it wasn't a dating disaster, but wow, maybe the next time a few more things will go right!

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