Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday Night On The Town

I don't get out very often. AND, there's probably good reason for that! Sometimes, I just do better in the scheme of things in my own little box. I'm not a complete shell shock type of person, but on the other hand, sometimes I tend to do and say things that are really dumb or naive. Sometimes, I just want to open mouth and insert foot.

Friday night JN and I were going out on the town, the big town. Mind you, I'm not a big city girl and while it wasn't Chicago or anything, it's much bigger and busier than the town I live in! I wasn't entirely thrilled to go out as I just wanted to be with Mr. Date. I find myself more and more intrigued with him and I want to spend every minute with him. I'm sure it's happened before, but I don't feel like I've ever been so consumed with wanting to be with someone so much as I am with him. Maybe it's because we don't see each other every day. Maybe it's because I think he's a challenge. Maybe it's really because I like him. I also don't want to get into the habit of a dating relationship to consume all of my free time and Mr. Date is definitely OK with giving me my space - especially since I was really feeling a need for it when he mentioned spending all weekend together and I was thinking of finding a close cliff as it felt like I was walking straight into the ex-bf relationship.

So, JN and I went out. We grabbed dinner at a local brewery and then headed over to a nearby bar. It had an 80's and current cover band that was actually pretty decent. I went to the bathroom and when I came out, JN was sitting by the fireplace chatting up some guy. Wow, she's got skills! So I did the slide on by - when he basically screamed "hi" to me and I kept walking to grab a drink from the bar.

The night was completely entertaining. The guys that JN picked up were two married men that were pretty nice. The one was so completely enthralled in me, it was becoming pretty pathetic. He wanted to dance, so me and my white girl skills went and danced. It's not too bad dancing with people you don't care about and will never see again that likely can't see you in the first place because of darkness and beer goggles! I managed to dance A LOT that night, from one person to the next. Married man couldn't get over me and kept trying to barter for time with me claiming I was absolutely adorable as well as a lot of sexual comments which were shot down in attempts to inform the man he was married! Here was one of my not so cool comments - after married man dumped half his drink on my long shirt and leg, "Wow that was talent. I'm all wet and you didn't even touch me." Need I say more? Insert foot...

Another guy I danced with was terrible, but he was fun. I'm surprised I'm not bruised as this guy seriously liked to have me spin him but then would come back and smash into me! Quite the site I'm sure. His repeated asks for kisses were getting rather annoying though! Met and danced with a few others until we closed the bar down.

JN then had this craving for chili cheese fries and we went to a local happening place where we were beckoned to a table with three guys. Of course, my clearing of the table led one late 20 something to ask if I had kids. Yes, one and he's 11. Silence. Man, do I feel OLD!

Getting back to JN's condo, her kitten had a field day watching me try to sleep on the couch. The final straw was the clawing, snagging of carpet, claws on the couch, full pounce onto my stomach and then onto the floor of her large cat. And then he had the audacity to look at me as if saying WTF?

2.5 hours of sleep, if that later, I headed for home in hopes that my cat allergies wouldn't ruin the rest of the day!

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