Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Medical Update

To post about something non-dating related, I seem to be in the midst of many medical issues. There it is, issues. This seems to happen every year after my physical, I seem to have a barrage of follow up appointments.

One was with my primary doctor, whom I've never met, to discuss having my tubes tied. I did initially inquire about a hysterectomy but was shot down! My mother had breast and uterine cancer and my father has a laundry list of medical ailments larger than Santa's Christmas list, so this gene pool is pretty murky.

I learned that I have two options, a coil procedure which can take three months and is permanent or a incision surgery with bands that can be reversed which is immediate. The doctor inquired if I was married or in a relationship. He wondered what would happen if in three years if I met the man of my dreams and wanted to have a child, what then? I wouldn't! Adoption? He asked how old my "baby" was? And then said that since I am not in my 20's and have an 11 year old that I can make my decision. He did seem surprised that I use birth control and abstinence (maybe he thought I was the next immaculate conception) and said I could continue until menopause. SUPER.

Then I saw a GI doctor for an appointment. Everything looked good, which didn't explain a long-term more than sporadic problem, so now I have to have a colonoscopy. I'm super excited about it, let me tell you! I picked up the stuff I have to drink to cleanse me out and keep me in the bathroom for an entire day today. I have to have the clear diet and take this stuff on Sunday, so looks like we won't be going anywhere. Nothing like precautionary measures.

Today I got home and was greeted by a reminder card that in August I need to schedule a follow-up ultrasound for my thyroid. This will be the third, they just keep watching it and saying to come back in 6 months. I mentioned the ultrasound to my son at dinner tonight and he said, "Isn't that where they rub the thing on your belly to see the baby?" Sure is. So I asked him if he wanted me to have a baby and he vehemently responded with, "NO", that makes two of us bud, that makes two of us.

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