Friday, July 10, 2009


The other day I began to question as to whether or not I was a prude. So here are two definitions of prude:

Per Wikipedia: A prude (Old French prude) [1] is a person who is described as being concerned with decorum or propriety. They may (edel) be perceived as being uncomfortable with sexuality, nudity, alcohol, drug use or mischief. The name is generally considered to mean modesty, and hence unflattering, and is often used as an insult by people who do not share the moral standards of the "prude".

Per the Free Online Dictionary: prude (pr d) n. One who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest, or righteous.

I was out with JC and his friends and much of the initial conversation as well as throughout the night was referencing a new conquest per se of a newly single male of the group. A conquest whom all spoke freely about her sexuality, her promiscuity and the like. It wasn't just the males, but even the female "friend" and co-worker who spoke of her dating of several men at the same time. Despite what this guy said about her, he spent half the night texting her.

I could not relate. I didn't find the conversation even remotely funny or entertaining. I felt bad for this girl, one of only nineteen and full of life and regrets. One who wasn't there to defend herself. One who likely perceived these people as her friends and a current lover. I felt sad. Sad for her. It questioned my beliefs and my morals. I questioned whether or not I would have done the same thing about one of my friends. I wondered if there was a time I would have found this appropriate - or the catcalls several made out the windows to passerbys. I put myself in her shoes, in their shoes. I wondered what this group of people, boyfriend included, said about me when I wasn't there.

I wondered if I was too old. Too old to find this negativity funny. Too old in that I was the only parent in the vehicle, and a parent of a pre-teen at that. Despite JC being the same age, all the rest were close to ten years younger. Does that excuse immaturity or insensitivity? Of the seven of us, there were two married couples.

Maybe I'm just a prude. I find that hard to believe though. I don't think I'm that uncomfortable with sexuality, drugs or mischief; however, I have morals and standards and I want to make choices in my life and how I carry myself that I can respect myself and others can too. I want to treat others the way I want to be treated. Afterall, I'm all about a good joke, sarcastic comment; I try not to make it at someone else's expense, unless of course they are there!

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