Monday, July 13, 2009


Sometimes when I feel down and out, it's nice to know that I have friends. It never seems to fail, even friends that I don't talk to often or that we share the day to day stuff, are always friends. Maybe that's part of being friends or knowing when you should just call and say hi.

I had been questioning a friendship for a while. I was beginning to wonder if we were even acquaintances anymore. Over the past few years, we've really gone our own ways. Our paths have crossed a few times since then and we chatted and caught up and made empty promises of getting together.

Yesterday, I received a call. A call to get together. I had just gotten to the park on my destruction mission, I mean my roller blade adventure so I wasn't able to get together. The offer stood for later if I was interested. I did get back home at a reasonable time and we were able to connect. We spent several hours catching up and we were later joined by her family. It's just one of those reassurances that through thick and thin, lifes ups and downs, we always have friends, even when and where you least expect.

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