Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shopping Issues

It's time for me to rant (not in an angry yelling ranting way, but a diatribe way) about my shopping issues. While some of you may not realize this, I do have issues.

And lots of them.

There are some things that I have to have in a certain kind of way. I have to have all of the cupboards shut. I hate when lights are left on in a room, unless it's a soft light or lamp to navigate around the house. I hate when the toilet lid is left up. I hate slow drivers in the fast lane. I could list a million other potentially OCD traits and issues that I have, but I won't, not yet anyway.

I hate shopping. Unless I'm at the grocery store, then I meander in my own merry way racing through my mind of what I have, what I need, what I want and often referencing my grocery list of sorts. I price check between sale items, name brand and off brand. I love numbers. Regardless of the amount of items, by the time I check out, I will recognize or remember every price of every item I purchase. So yes, I am one of those scan law people.

Another thing I can't stand is when people put items back that they don't want in the wrong place. In an effort to purchase more chocolate cool whip, I noticed the stack and grabbed the top one.

For some reason, there were a ton of open register lanes. I also have a thing with bagging my refrigerated items together, freezer items, non-perishables, etc. In an effort that the cashier will bag in a similar fashion, I put the items together on the conveyor belt. Seldom is it bagged the way I would bag.

After I started putting my groceries on the belt, a woman gets in line behind me. I realize that I have a lite cool whip, not chocolate and inform the lady and suggest that she may want to go to another line as I need to exchange the item.

When I got back to my cart, it was empty! Someone thinking they were doing a good thing (likely the lady behind me as the cashier didn't seem motivated enough to tighten her velcro shoes...) had put all of my groceries onto the belt. Mind you, I was not thankful. My groceries, my time, my stuff - did I ask for help?

I have to say I was more than a little annoyed. I wasn't able to watch all of the prices on the monitor as they were being wrung up. I wasn't able to have my groceries attempted to be bagged the way I wanted them.

Did I miss the fact that I was wearing a sign across my forehead saying, "Welcoming your assistance for Good Samaritan Day?"

I did realize that I was overcharged for at least one of my items and I had to rummage through the bag to find it.

I think it comes down to being nice or doing something for self-serving reasons. There is nothing wrong with paying it forward, just be sure that what you plan to do is something that someone would actually want and appreciate. Otherwise, sometimes it's best to be a little patient and let people do things their own way.

'Tis the Season for Shopping...Is it January yet?

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