Sunday, August 10, 2008

POF Party

Friday night, we went to the POF party. In somewhat of a disguise, the four of us walked in traditionally late to the Plenty Of Fish Singles Party in Grand Rapids. Mind you, seemed a little odd to walk in as two couples, Mr. Date and I, JN and her "friend" S. JN and S dated in the past and now just hangout, or something.

Walking in we were greeted by the host who wanted to sign us up for the Catch and Release (aka speed dating) that was in progress. JN and S weren't interested, but we finally convinced them they needed to participate and they joined in for the final three rounds.

Mr. Date and I went out to the patio to listen to the non-existent band that was supposed to be playing. When the game was done, we were joined by JN and S and welcomed a few others to our table. I'm all about including others. I know what it is like to be excluded, so I'm all for inclusivity. The more the merrier. Besides, it's all about meeting people.

I managed to steal a POF camera and went around and took pictures of people. People were more than willing to have their pictures taken and with me taking them, that means I wasn't in any of them! Always about planning! Later, we moved inside and did some dancing.

It was a fun night. Met some really nice people. It surprises me how comfortable I am with Mr. Date. I don't feel like I have to sit by him and hold his hand and comfort him. I was able to leave him and not have to worry that I would be accused of the unknown or that he would be mad at me. It also surprises me how comfortable I am drinking with him. I think that stems from the fact that I've found alcohol in my new found singleness! I've never been a big drinker despite my high tolerance, but I'm definitely not afraid that I will do or say something stupid around him if I've had something to drink!

Mr. Date told me the next day about a conversation that he had with S. It wasn't anything I don't already know. I know that I can rub people the wrong way. It happens. It happens to all of us. He apparently isn't really wild and crazy about my personality, and I'm completely OK with that too!

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