Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When you least expect it...

Sometimes things are planned. Sometimes you search and you research. You do your homework and you know what to expect. You think you know. You think you know how your senses will react, what you will smell, see, hear, feel. But how will you react? How will you react to those senses? Is it how you anticipated? Is it what you expected? Will you be disappointed?

Sometimes life is worth taking a chance. Taking a risk. Allowing doors to open. Taking opportunities that may not seem safe, predictable, right. Sometimes it's about listening to your gut and your instinct while other times it's about allowing change and the unknown.

Often times, it seems like disappointment surfaces when expectations are not met. When you have dreams and aspirations, faith and trust only to be disappointed. Often times, it's when you expect the least, that one is often truly blessed. It is in the small things in life, the things that one may take for granted that truly can reap the most reward.

It's about having faith to see beyond your nose, to see through the scope and allow. Because often, when you least expect it, you will be pleasantly surprised. Surprised by a thought, an action, a reaction. Either by something, someone or even yourself when you least expect.

And when that happens, it's a truly wonderful and amazing thing. To know that something positive, something wonderful, something glorious is possible. That at times when life or others seem to cause strife or disappointment there is always a glimmer of hope, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a sparkle in the eye of a stranger, the unexpected when you least expected. And all is good. All is right.

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