Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can't We All Be Friends?

Sometimes I wonder if it's really possible to be friends with everyone or anyone for that matter. Clearly no one is friends with everyone or no one. But is it ultimately possible for all of your own friends to get along? Is it wishful thinking to think that people that have a common denominator, you, may be able to get along in one place?

I think in my unrealistic world, I think it's possible. I do think it's possible to be friends with ex's. Difficult, yes. Impossible, no.

One lesson my mom always taught me (which I am completely guilty of NOT following - but always thinking and considering) is that you invite everyone, regardless. It is better to have invited than to have excluded. Let them be the one to determine that they don't want (to go, to participate, to be involved, etc.), then for you to make that decision for someone else.

I am completely guilty of exclusion. I try hard not to, but I am. I often think that it's best for the other person to not have to feel pressured or put on the spot in a possibly awkward situation. Or, when I know that they would want to but other commitments make it difficult.

Just this afternoon, I didn't include someone in something as mundane as signing Christmas cards. I didn't think he would want to be bothered, he is afterall The Top Dog. At the suggestion of a co-worker, I asked him if he wanted to sign them, he did.

It isn't just about the season of giving. It is about being conscious about other's feelings and beliefs but knowing that we can't know what is best for someone else or what they would want, without asking them.

Although, is there times, when maybe it isn't best to be all inclusive? When it might not be the best idea to invite, say everyone? In the past I've managed to have "game nights" at my home and several of my ex's whom I am friends with, have all come - some solo, some with their new partners. It's never awkward for me. I suppose what it boils down to is everyone is an adult and they are responsible for their own feelings and actions, as am I. But...

Stay tuned to see how the drama may unfold and I can revel in what I should or could have done, after the fact of course!

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