Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I am often amazed how much communication affects...everything. The way one communicates. How much one is willing or not willing to share. Friendships are made and lost over the way one chooses to communicate.

I tend to be upfront, brash, honest and communicative. If I feel something or think something, I often share it, sooner than later. I don't have the time or energy to harbor feelings. To eventually sweep them under the rug and hope they never return. I want to get it off my chest, throw it out there, hash it out if necessary and move on. Maybe I think too much, so communicating comes easier to me than most. Even with this blog, I often read about bloggers writing drafts (often many of them) and deciding whether or not to post, even others unsure of emails they may write. I suppose for difficult topics, maybe this is necessary. But for me, this is my dumping ground, my space, my thoughts. Seldom do I use this blog to dump things that I haven't already discussed, so it's not that much of a waste management effort; however, there are things that I just don't and won't blog about.

Besides, since my hair color is dark, it tends to show the grey quickly. I choose not to expedite the discoloration any moreso than necessary by adding additional stress.

I think, the older I get, as I'm quickly approaching the hill...I seem to find less and less time and energy to expend on people that aren't willing to either effectively or openly communicate.

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