Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Approximately a half hour ago, after people wrapped up their lunch hour, I ventured into the conference room to heat my foot. In the silence and solitude, I finished my baked potato, most of my pork loin (leaving two slices) and water. The lid of the container of my pork was cracked in the corner and I decided I didn't need to bring it home to wash and use again. I put my water packet wrapper in the container, sealed it and threw it away in the garbage by placing it in someone's to go order garbage in the garbage can.

End of story. Until...

A few minutes ago I went back into the conference room to refill my water bottle. What did I see?

Next to the sink was my Glad container, minus the pork, with the wrapper in it. The pork was nowhere to be found.

It makes me think, makes me wonder, makes me question. Our conference room is only accessed by employees, or by clients accompanied by employees. Who would go through the garbage or need to? We are all employed and have stability, for today at least, or so I thought...

While it's clear that people need assistance and help, even when we least expect and often closer to home than we think, how do we go about offering to people when we don't know that they are in need?

I truly hope that maybe someone just thought that they could recycle or reuse the container. But regardless, it still makes me wonder nonetheless.

1 comment:

Respectfully Yours said...

Hi, just popping in to read your posts. That is so sad about the pork...I hope someone just threw it out...crazy.

Drop by and visit me sometime.