Monday, February 22, 2010

Living Life or Living Dying

I really like Kris Allen's song, Live Like We're Dying. The first time I heard it, I recognized Kris' voice immediately.

Last night I had a discussion about living life like we are dying. I was advised that in the past, when younger, that may have been appropriate; however, the older one gets, the more grounded, rational, mature we should be.

I pondered the reality of the conversation. While I have no reason to live each day as though it were my last - to throw caution to the wind, to be merciless, to be reckless - I do want to savor each day. I want to embrace those that I care and love. I want to acknowledge friendships and relationships. I want people to know, rather than question or wonder. I don't want there to be questions. Of course, there always will, but if I can answer a few, I choose to do so.

So while I think we debated the same general concept, the approach of our differences were apparent. He wants to live for the future. I want to live for today (and tomorrow and the next day!).

Today I found myself reading obituaries (don't ask). I came across a very moving statement, which I will only steal part of it, "...lived each day as the best."

I can't summarize my goals, dreams and aspirations any better than that, for in this very moment, I want to live each day as the best!

How do you want to live your life? Celebrate your day?


Bossy Betty said...

I want to wear out--not to rust. (I stole that one too.)

Ms. Independent said...

I had never heard that one before Betty - not that I remember at least...until tonight, a motto for a meetup group is "Wear Out, Don't Rust Out". Made me smile thinking of your comment =)