Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog Thanks

This morning when going through my normal routine of emails and my blog, I happened to notice a new referral to the blog. http://www.lifeaseyeseeit.com/ is someone that I have known since we were wee ones and got back in touch several years ago through Myspace. I've been following her blog on Google Reader for sometime now, which of course she detests, but for some reason her direct blog site has been crashing both my personal and work computer internet connections for sometime. Today, was actually an exception, odd.

So I was more than shocked when I happened to learn that she had blogged about her favorite blogger and it was...ME. I've been reading about her blog crushes and occasionally I will look at some of the blogs she follows and I've noticed her blog networks on FB, but never thought much about it or how she may perceive my blog. As she blogged, yes, I enjoy being incognito, unknown, unread.

Honestly, I've never had an issue with really worrying about people stumbling across my blog from google searches. I hope in some way I've offered insight or a laugh to something they were seeking. Most of my searches are from people looking for assistance with "movie prep colonoscopy" or "lie detector jokes" or "rubber glove jokes" and I know that these people will likely never venture back.

It is the people that I know about or that I tell about my blog that I worry about the most. The people that I allow to see my vulnerability, moreso because they actually know me, not that they can feel the connection from reading my blog that they become to feel as they know me. They DO know me and because of my blog, more intimately than I likely know them. And sometimes, that is hard.

Hard for me to know that someone I know is knowing more about me than I'm sure that they have shared with me. There have been some past boyfriends that I've shared the blog with and others that I care about. Because I generally know that they may peruse my blog, I may disclose less or not blog about certain aspects of my life for confidentiality purposes or because it's just not something I care to discuss or have them know.

So sometimes I go a while without blogging because I'm waiting for someone to stop reading or I'm really just trying to assess my situation without sharing it for anyone who chooses to venture. But often times, it's because I just don't feel like I have anything worthy of actually typing or in your case, reading.

I'm a little gunshy and overwhelmed to say the least by Eyegirl's post today and all of her followers that have stopped by to check me out. I appreciate the look and if you stick around, enjoy the ride and feel free to comment. I will definitely check you out as well, in my free time, which I obviously have a lot of these days!

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