Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bring in the Madness

March is right around the corner. While March brings in the Madness...I think it's already arrived for me. I can't believe that it's almost March. I can't believe that things I said I would or should do, I've managed to forget moments, hours, days and weeks later. Sigh...I think, I know, I'm getting OLD. At least for a few months of being 35, all was well, I think I'm quickly gaining speed on that hill!

Sticky notes seem to be my friend as of late. Problem is, I can't seem to find them. They get stuck in the most inopportune places, if they stick at all!

Maybe if I was busier, I could focus more. I seem to be more than just distracted and I have nothing to be distracted with! I think I'm just in a funk and I'm looking for my zone.

I used to think I wanted to be a travel agent in my next career. I've completely decided after what seems like an infinite amount of time invested over the past two days and coming up with nothing, that is the dumbest idea (outside of wanting to be a full-time gas station clerk! I'm still aspiring to be a WalMart Greeter - when I learn to be nice and SMILE, dreams and goals, I have them too!) I've had in a long time. I'm about ready to call a travel agent because while I have the time to research, it's never ending and I feel like I'm going in circles without any progress. Wow, is that what the life of a dog chasing his tail is like? I can't say I've ever felt so bored and unaccomplished by searching for flights and cruises!


Caro said...

Just do it, you never what could happen!

Bossy Betty said...

Jump in and do it! Could be exciting!

Respectfully Yours said...

It's never about what you do in life, but about doing it with passion, whatever it is.

Go for it!