Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Grenada - August 18 & 19, 2008

Monday August 18, 2008:

Today was a pretty uneventful day. Mom was still feeling very ill. After breakfast even T didn't feel well, so we all went back to the room and rested. T learned lots of card games this trip and even learned how to shuffle "the bridge". I attempted to lay out at the bottom of the villa. I couldn't believe how hot it was, feeling almost 100 degrees out and yet I still didn't seem to get much sun! Mid-afternoon, mom was feeling up to venturing to the second beach to see the big waves. They were much calmer today than our previous hike. Mom wasn't too thrilled with the rugged terrain and after being knocked down by the holes in the water and the strong waves, she had had enough and headed back to the resort.

Tuesday August 19, 2008 - Carriacou Day Trip:

Today we planned on taking the catamaran to Carriacou for the day. Today I wasn't feeling all that well and felt the beginning of strep throat. Willing illness elsewhere as I didn't have time or desire to be sick, we forged on with our plan. Forgetting to actually turn the alarm on, mom knocked on the door waking us for breakfast. Hoping that breakfast was at least cooking, since we had to leave for the ferry at 8:15a.m. When I went to brush my teeth, I learned that we no longer had water!

Breakfast as usual was not being prepared despite our pre-ordering the night before and announcing a time so that we could make the ferry. Fortunately we made the ferry on time, otherwise I'm not sure we could have handled another day at "the resort". T had a half pill of the less-drowsy Dramamine today which proved ineffective and T found himself ill and heaving over the side of the boat! I really think he's done with boats for a long time!

James had arranged for us to meet Charles in Carriacou for an island tour. Charles was a pleasant man and I found him easy to understand. He took us to destinations that James had suggested. Charles took us to the Fort, where we were able to see Carriacou. This was also the location of the hospital in Carriacou. We went to Belaire Park/Island which is said to be a happening place with concerts and affairs.

Like Grenada, animals are found in the roads and roaming about. Carriacou is a 13 mile island, significantly smaller than Grenada. It offers 5 primary schools, 2 secondary schools, 2 cemeteries, 6000 people and 1000 vehicles. There is ONE gas station on Carriacou and gas was $14.40 per gallon!

After the full tour of the island and occasional rain, we stopped at Paradise Beach. Charles stayed and waited for us in the van even though we still had a couple hours before we needed to head back to the ferry. Our time on Carriacou was about 5 hours. Carriacou is known for snorkeling on Sandy Beach, but due to the weather and the time constraints and T's desire to avoid further boats, we didn't go. Instead we had lunch and T & I played in the crystal clear water. While swimming around I looked down and noticed a large star fish. From about 4' above the water I was able to capture a picture. We then entertained ourselves by throwing shells onto the beach to watch the various sand crabs from babies to bigger ones which varied in colors from white to grey to yellow race after the new found treasure on the beach. Mom struck gold sitting in the restaurant as a traveling bakery came by and she purchased rolls and pastries!

James was waiting for us upon our arrival back at the dock in St. Georges.

We arrived back at the resort at 6:00p.m. Mom decided she was interested in a massage. James wouldn't start dinner until her massage was done, so it was after 7:30p.m. before he began dinner. I left before the main course as I couldn't wait any longer and desperately wanted a shower. When I returned, mom and T were done, but my food was still warm. The pork chop, veggies and potato wedges were the best food we had been served, although mom still pointed out that she wouldn't have served any of it to house guests.

James hooks us up with the IP phone through the computer and we were able to make a few calls home. It was a completely new experience for me. James said there weren't additional charges and making calls through the computer was only pennies per minute! I think I thought making calls home would be good, but it made me melancholy. T lost a tooth today - so he was excited!

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