Monday, January 5, 2009

Biggest Loser

I have survived the holidays, without incident. I had great times hanging out with the family and spending time with my nephews that I see far too seldom.

I didn't manage to make any New Years Resolutions this year. Why further disappoint myself? There are many things that I can change and work on, but why fully acknowledge them and hold myself accountable?

Speaking of accountable, I just joined our work "Biggest Loser" competition. In good fun, I even considered adding the ankle or wrist weights that have been stashed in my rolling file cabinets. I'm pretty sure that I won't be the biggest loser by any means, but a little camaraderie and motivation to get back into working out never hurt!

I'm also looking forward to the new season of Biggest Loser beginning tomorrow on NBC. If only my son's basketball coach understood my love for BL, he would schedule practices that didn't conflict!

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