Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Biggest Loser Week #2

The dreaded weigh in...

With Martin Luther King yesterday, today was our official weekly weigh in at the office. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Heck, I would have taken average, or nice compared to the downright U....G....L....Y....that glared upwardly at me. Damn scale...

This week brought an official weight gain of 1 pound. Clearly it could have been worse. If I had holed up in the house and ate Ho Ho's and sat on the couch all week long and then wore six layers of clothes to the weigh in. Yeah, then I might have actually gained 2 pounds.

Fear not though. I knew it was inevitable that I would gain weight. Because, that's what I do best. Weight and the scale are not, I repeat NOT friends.

Seeing that the thought of wearing even less clothes was out of the picture after my recent lecture of indecent office exposure for last week's weigh-in, I knew that in the dead of Michigan weather, wear for the worse, I would.

The frustrating thing though - I did eat, and respectively well. I even managed to drink some new vitamin crazy like zero calorie waters throughout the weekend boosting my water intake AND vitamins!

Exercise you say? Besides the endless hours of the Wii and battling the physical ailments of the WiiKnee and WiiShoulder (I had some records to beat!), I actually did some serious working out over the past week. I've worked out EVERY day, minimally with 6 miles of biking on the stationary bike, stairs, elliptical, snow shoeing, sledding, and two gym workouts yesterday which included the brutal Body Pump class after I did a 40 minute arm workout! And I may have even pushed my car mostly out of my garage, one handedly while on the phone and the car in reverse. Poor planning, people, poor planning.

Every muscle on my body aches. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

As much as I was hoping to be strong and independent and capable of doing things on my own, I'm truly going to have to cave in and hire a personal trainer. I'm on the brink of admitting defeat. I hate admitting failure.

My attempts at brutally beating myself to a pulp with workouts isn't working. Friends can't seem to understand what my problems are with gaining weight either with as much as I stay active and workout. Even with as much as I love S'mores Pop Tarts and chocolate, my addiction is not enough to gain weight.

So when I can actually use my fingers without pain, I'm actually going to pick up the phone and dial the gym to schedule an appointment with a personal trainer. Oh yeah, and after I learn of the financial damage I am accruing from my car. Sigh...

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