Thursday, January 15, 2009

Domestication Diva

Domesticated Diva, I am not. I can manage, when I need to. Afterall, I'm approaching mid-thirties quickly and have lived on my own since I was seventeen, minus a few roommates and a few years of that thing called...marriage. But for me, yeah that was like living on my own anyway.

I wouldn't be the first to admit that I'm crafty. The SuperMom, I am not. But, I manage. I can bake a dozen cookies and I've even learned the hard way that ice cream cone cupcakes are not, I repeat are not baked first and then shoved into the ice cream cone! Learning curve people, learning curve...

The other night, with my Super Woman strength, I lightly pulled on the velcro of my dvd player case, except it wasn't the opening. Within seconds, I found that I had tore open the bottom of the bag.

Today, I decided I would put my Martha Stewart, Home Economics skills to the test. (Ok, the Martha Stewart is a COMPLETE over exaggeration!) The truth be known, as I sat here and gave myself kudos for threading the needle without assistance (what are those things called an eye hook? No, a threader? Anyhow...) I started to reminisce about my 6th grade Home Ec class.

6th grade...How long ago that was. The exact grade that my son is in now, sans Home Economics. I recall the hand size teddy bear that I had to sew. Man it was U...G...L...Y. Truly only a stuffed animal a mother or a proud 6th grader could love. Since then, I can't say that I've increased my sewing abilities.

When I was pregnant (early 1997) I had decided that what would be better than to sew bedding for my new little one? How much more endearing could a working, 22 year, soon to be first time mother be than to offer blood, sweat, tears (and more explitives known to man), then to adore the nursery with homemade things? I bought my first (and only) sewing machine and even took the free sewing classes. Unfortunately I spent more time during the classes praying that God would have me go into labor than actually mastering sewing. My son's dad was even better at sewing than I was. Still to this day, threading the machine is a mystery (aka nightmare). A few years ago, I actually gave my mom my sewing machine since it was only collecting dust in the storage room in the original box. I did in fact make bedding, but somehow with my depth perception challenges I managed to make sheets twice as big as a twin mattress rather than a crib mattress! I did manage to make a cute lamp shade cover and glider cushion covers, but that was the extent of my sewing escapades.

Today, I can or should I say, I will only sew with a needle and thread, quick repair jobs. Most often, I deem sewing as frivolous and would rather buy something new than to think that my sewing abilities will withstand usage. But for some reason today, I decided to go back to those days of 6th grade and did quick simple sewing and I managed to sew the bag back together in one piece! I can't even tell that I sewed it and I didn't even sew the opening shut!

Kudos to me. Thank You 6th grade Home Economics for helping me become the Domesticated Diva that I am today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. I remember that class. I made a dog, and then a deer. Why did I make two??? The deer wouldn't stand up it was so lopsided. I wonder what ever happened to those things. My mom probably threw them out the second I left home.