Friday, January 16, 2009

Chocolate Bubble Gum

I'm craving chocolate. Wait, craving would be inaccurate as I'm actually inhaling chocolate today! Then I had this thought, why isn't there chocolate gum? Of course I imagined that there must be, so I entrusted my good friend, and learned the truth.

In fact, there was a Chocolate Bubble Gum back in the 80's manufactured by Bubble Yum. Additionally, Cadbury and a couple other companies intended on creating chocolate gum in the middle of 2008. One flavor being a mint chocolate gum.

Granted, I'm not a huge gum fan and when I am, it's more as a breath freshener than for the sheer desire of curbing hunger or a sweet tooth. If I was craving chocolate, I would eat chocolate. The thought of chocolate gum has never crossed my mind before today. I'm not sure that I would be a big fan of it, but if it did in fact curb the sweet tooth and the nagging, raging curse of devouring chocolate on a whim, sure I'd be game!

Chocolate I come!

1 comment:

Barry said...

I'm not a big gum fan either, but it seems to me I remember chocolate flavoured Bubble Yum.

Guess it didn't make a big impression because I never tried it again.