Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This morning I realized, in almost a week, I will be on vacation! I can't believe how quickly time has passed that my vacation and first cruise is literally right around the corner.

I didn't manage to actually lose weight before my vacation. I didn't actually make myself want to be seen in a bathing suit - regardless if it is from neck to toe and I won't be seen in front of anyone I know, other than my mom! I almost managed to start excerising again. Almost. I've been walking several times a week, so it's a start from where I found myself stagnant and unmotivated.

I didn't actually manage to go to the tanner to stave off sunburn. Granted, this was completely not high on my priority list, but...

I have yet to try on clothes or consider packing. I'm hoping that Florida and Mexico will be warm and I won't have to wear sweaters and multiple layers over my spring and summer dresses! I'm really hoping to pack rather light. As light as possible, for ten days. That is, IF...

My son's dad realizes that it is his spring break. Sigh. I continuously keep asking my son if he and his dad have plans for spring break. I know that they won't. But I ask to hope that he will ask his dad and remind him that it is his spring break. Is this passive agressive behavior by using my son? Maybe.

Last night my son tells me, "My dad says it's your spring break Mom." In my most calm, polite, voice I say, "No. We went to Florida last year for spring break and the year before I was in Europe. It's your dad's spring break." He replies, "Yeah, I know Mom. But...Dad says he's going to have to check and look into it."

Sigh...Every. Single. Time.

Sometimes, people really seem to regret what they ask for. He wanted alternating spring break and Christmas breaks and three weeks in the summer, despite that we have joint custody. HE WANTED IT. Granted he only wanted it to lower his child support, which backfired, literally.

2008 was the first year of alternating spring breaks. I went to Europe. They went...nowhere. The summer weeks I had T we went to Grenada and Trinidad. They went...nowhere. I went to Mexico and long weekends during my time without T. 2009, T and I went to Florida for spring break. We went up north Michigan for one of our weeks and to visit family the other. They went...nowhere. He didn't exercise his summer weeks that year and only one week in 2008. Christmas break 2009, I went to Colorado. Spring Break 2010, Florida and a cruise to Mexico.

I am LOVING his idea of alternating breaks and extended weeks in the summer! I have utilized them to my full advantage - however, there has yet to not be conflict in getting him to acknowledge that I'm exercising them and it is or isn't his parenting time responsibility, each and every time. This spring break is obviously no different.

So I just realized this morning that I have two nights, two nights between now and when I leave that I won't have my son. Two. And one of those nights, his dad has a "meeting" and can't be responsible for our son and baseball.

Whatelse is new? Five more years....five more years...

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