Friday, March 12, 2010

The Breakfast Club

The movie the Breakfast Club came out in the mid-1980's, 1985 to be exact. I would have been eleven that year. I loved that movie.
I'm not sure who I could relate to the most. I was probably a mixture of a few - the nerd and the loner. I was probably the most like Ally Sheedy. I was quiet and had dark hair and despite not having any artistic talent, I could have added snowflakes to any piece of paper in front of me too! Head and Shoulders should have been my friend!

A group of friends and I went out recently for a charity event. I love each and every friend, very much, for all different reasons. The common denominator of the group, is me, and in some solemn dark corner of my mind that makes me uneasy. Afraid to disappoint. Afraid to fail. Afraid that one day, my friends won't be my friends anymore or they will like each other more. Really, it does bring me back to those pre-adolescent and high school days. Not all the time do I think these things, but I would lie if I said they didn't occasionally creep into my mind. Friends afterall are a rare find. A true diamond in the rough.

We took a picture, the five of us. And when I saw it...I had to laugh. The first thing I thought of...The Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club of 2010. While I'm sure if any of my friends actually read my blog, they would kill me or disown me or defriend me for posting this...

But I love this picture and I want to share! So what do you think? See any resemblance?

1 comment:

Respectfully Yours said...

I loved that movie. I still watch it when it is on tv. I think we all represent some character from that movie.