Friday, February 11, 2011

Brother's 40th Birthday Boxes

Last week I posted about what I wanted to do for my brother's Big 40th Birthday gift here.  I finished the gift and unlike my baking adventures of tonight, it turned out the way I had anticipated.  ALMOST.

So here in order of all of the sugary goodness, are 40 boxes of cereal with an example of the $1 taped.
40 Boxes of SUGAR Cereal
 And on the other side of the money is the birthday wish for my Brother. 
Saying on one side, folded dollars on other side
I was a little concerned about what type of box to package the gift in.  I used an empty copy paper box from work, which had ample room left over!  I filled the extra space with lots of tissue paper so that the boxes would stay in order of the greeting.  Then, I sealed up the box with packaging tape.  I covered the box writing with paper bag and packaging tape.  I addressed the box.

And just to be sure that this adventure was so true to form of me, I realized after sealing everything, I didn't actually purchase a birthday card.  Or leave a personal note and sign love and from his sister and nephew.  Oops. Not that he can't figure it out from the greeting on the boxes, but still.  I wasn't about to reopen the package.  Oh well, as is.

I did look for a good 40th card today that I could just mail since I paid the $10 shipping fee for the box and sent it on the way.  I didn't find anything and decided he is capable of reading the greeting and understanding the meaning and money, right?

Oh shit...I think I will be getting a card this weekend and dropping it in the mail! 

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