Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snack Schedule Sarcasm

Tonight my son's undefeated team, lost.  A true nail biter.  Down to the last 1.6 seconds of the game and down by one point, they inbounded the ball.  Time for one pass and a shot from under the basket.  The ball circled around and around the rim, and fell out. 

Truly a good game; however, some of the kids were just not playing their normal game.  When we got home at about 6:45p.m., my son said he wasn't hungry.  He didn't care what I made for dinner but he wanted it, "later". 

After an allergy attack from putting blue lights (don't get me started Meijer was out of white lights) on my Christmas tree and my eyes begging to swell shut, I went into the bathroom to take out my contacts before they were permanently sealed in my eyelids.  My son was taking a shower and we chatted more about the game. 

He informed me that the double cheeseburger before the game probably wasn't a good idea.  WHAT?  I knew that as parents, we were responsible for bringing a snack as outlined in the handout at the beginning of the season.  I assumed snacks were similar to every other sport he's played for the past...ten years...a drink and fruit snacks or fruit or chips or something to be given at the end of the game.  WRONG.

T informed me that snacks are eaten prior to the game.  According to T he said that snacks are typically a little healthier: pb&j, ham sandwiches or something.  Today, they were double cheeseburgers from Burger King!  Not only that, they also had fruit snacks, a granola bar AND a drink.  All of that before playing 4 - 6 minute periods of 8th grade basketball. 

Whose genius idea is that?  If I didn't know better, I would have guessed that the snack was provided by the opposing team.  Seeing that I am responsible for snacks the last game of the season - maybe I will get deluxe Jet's pizzas and a pudding filled cake and ice cream to be devoured BEFORE the game. 

What a grand idea. Grand indeed.

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