Monday, November 15, 2010

Shopping @ Meijer & Crude...

Tonight, amidst the craziness of life, I found myself smack dab in the middle of Meijer.  I had just finished a late home call and was running to the store to grab three things: milk, bread and applesauce. 

Well we all know how that three things list works.  In the midst of stock piling my cart trying to be mommy of the week without a reprieve of visitation due to deer hunting season, I ran into a friend of mine.  We started chatting.  My twenty minute jaunt from home call to home was turning into significantly longer. 

The best part of the shopping experience, wasn't the grand check out total of $90 (you thought your part of the country was hit hard with inflation!) or saving of $25.  Nope, hard to imagine I know, but...

While in the self-scan no limit checkout, I was hurriedly trying to scan and not get the voice bellowing about placing the item on the conveyor or backed up or not scanned items and hurrying to get out of there for the drive home, my personal space became encroached.  I briefly looked up to see two heavier set cub scouts in blue uniforms with ties amidst trying to figure out the key in code for weighed green bell peppers, not unit price to no avail. 

One of the boys said, "I like your hair."  I replied "Thank you".

He then said, "What color is it?" 

If I had an extra moment, I might have smacked the young lad; however, I replied, "What color do YOU think it is?"

At that point, his parents blabbered niceties and rudeness comments to the boys and shuffled them to another self-checkout line. 

Wow...and I thought only free entertainment came at WalMart. 

Happy Monday!

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