Monday, October 18, 2010

City Assessor Pays A Visit: But Who Really Pays?

Sunday night I went to grab the mail and noticed a pink tag on the ground on my porch. The tag had blown off the door and was from the City Assessor’s Office. Apparently, someone had been by the house on 10/14/10 to follow up on the basement remodeling due to the building permits.

I struggled for about half a second on whether or not I wanted to call and follow up. Afterall, I haven’t had a new assessment since I moved into my house in 1999. I know that with all the work I have done, my city taxes will go up. I’m not looking forward to an increase, but the market hits shouldn’t affect it too much!

I only hope they don’t notice the new furnace, new doors, new windows, new plumbing, new electrical, well and everything else! My goal…keep him focused on the ¾ bathroom addition and the egress window and keep my mouth shut! Wish me well!

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