Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tulip Time '09

The weekend went well, partaking in some Tulip Time festivities. My mom and her friend made it into town by early afternoon on Friday. By early evening we headed downtown for the first of the Celebration and enjoyed a very inexpensive picnic dinner of $2.00 - hot dog, pasta salad, bag of kettle chips, vitamin water, double tree cookies and hudsonville ice cream.

We were able to see the Klompen dancers and I hope to post pictures soon. We left the park and headed downtown to enjoy a few drinks and appetizers. Unfortunately we missed the fireworks waiting for our bill.

Saturday we visited Art in the Park at Centennial Park. Kinderplaats for the children was taking place near Window on the Waterfront. The trolley rides were booking fast, so mom and her friend weren't able to participate. The weather couldn't have been nicer and it was a good time had by all! As a must, we hit the funnel cake vendor to enjoy the bavarian cream cake, although the reeses funnel cake is by far my favorite. The vendors thought by the end of the week they may have the ingredients to make them, but I'm highly contemplating bringing my own peanut butter chips for them to use for me. I'd even be willing to donate the remainder for others to enjoy!

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