Monday, March 9, 2009

Pre-Ping Pong & The Ex-Bf

This past weekend was the annual ping pong (table tennis tournament). Again, the Ex-Bf and my son were playing in the "Dad and Son" competition while each also played in their individual respective categories.

The Ex-Bf came over last Thursday to practice with T. They hung out for a few hours while I was working and then grocery shopping. The Ex stayed for dinner, which was really the only conversation that he and I had. Then I watched them play ping pong for about 10 minutes before I retreated to watching American Idol. The Ex-Bf left about ten minutes later.

I had called JC immediately after speaking with the Ex and I agreed that he could come over so he and T could practice ping pong. I felt it important to communicate and share with JC, regardless of our issues with the ex-in-laws and communication. He was glad that I told him and said he was fine with it.

However, there was some obvious tension on the phone when I spoke with JC later that night and he felt I was "short" with him. I was in the middle of playing spades and riding the stationary bike while talking to him, sharing all of five minutes of dialogue I had had with the Ex-Bf the entire evening. More than anything, I will not let the Ex-Bf cause any relationship problems for me, those I will manage to have solely on my own!

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