Monday, March 9, 2009

Four Winds Casino

Saturday evening, JC and I went to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, MI. JC and I had talked about going to the casino a week or so ago and with the ongoing downpour of rain, it seemed like a great idea. JC grabbed some rolled coins and put them in a plastic bag and pretty much willed the money away as we headed out the door for another of our firsts in the relationship.

As I was driving, I was curious as to when the last time JC had actually been to the casino. He said it had been a few years. Then I asked, "Do you know that the machines don't take coins anymore?"

I swear he gave me the complete deer in the headlight look. I wasn't positive about this, but told him that the slot machines now take bills and then give you a ticket to take from machine to machine. I did suggest that he could cash in his coins when we got there, which is exactly what we did. Mind you, my coin rollings from a month or so ago, where 100% accurate and to the amazement of the casino employer who reported that she had never had anyone give her the exact amount that they claimed. Yes, I really am that anal.

The casino was fun. I think that JC could have spent even longer there than the five hours we spent. We were both up and down. I usually set myself for a $100 loss limit, but with my first $20 I was up over $150, so I played with that all night. I managed to lose it all and was down $30 when I realized that my players card had $10 free instant credit and in playing with that I hit $60 in quarters. I then moved over to pennies and hit $100 and a few other decent wins. I walked away from the casino having won $110, so it was a great night although I was more than exhausted on the way home, especially from my attempts at partying like a rock star the night before! JC lost $10, so he was pretty happy that he didn't lose as much as he had planned either.

At one point in the casino, I walked away from JC to see if there was an opening on a progressive Press Your Luck machine. A woman was just leaving, at which point I sat down. I saw JC looking for me at which point I stood up and was flailing my arms, all for not. Talk about reminiscent of our first date, when he couldn't find me right in front of him. Somethings never change...but it will always make us remember and laugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's funny!