Sunday, June 6, 2010

Someone Elses Game Night

Those that know me, know that I love game night! I have a closet that holds at least fifty games, although unlike my shower curtains, I haven't actually counted them.

It's been a while since I've had a game night at my house. I love having them, I really do. But, I worry whether or not anyone would actually come. Every game night I've had, I usually have a dozen people or so and it's a great time by everyone. I mean seriously, how can you forget the laughs and the memories? Lately, I've been asked by at least six people when I'm going to have another game night. Soon? Maybe soon. But 'tis the season of summer and beaches and graduations and vacations and and and...

Last Sunday night I was invited by a "friend" to join him for game night at a friend of his. It was a little awkward in a way since the invite was rather out of the blue. This guy and I had met about two years ago at a singles mingle party from the dating site. We had both been at a few and we are the infamous FB friends. We grabbed lunch once last fall. I will not date him. He decided that he will be my "wing man". When I found myself all bruised up from the bike accident I called him immediately to cancel.

Since I was bruising immediately I had no idea how bad it would look the following evening. The phone connection was bad and he ended up calling back and leaving me a message. He sang, "You're so vain. You're so vain. You probably think this...", you get the idea. That was funny! Maybe I was, but these were also people I didn't know and I was going to look like a recent domestic violence victim! But I conceded and said that I would go.

I had a good time. I'm glad that I went. Acknowledging what had happened made it easier that no one had to whisper or wonder. Their game closet, which the husband said was stocked, was a pathetic attempt at games, comparatively speaking of course. Two ran out to get Guesstures while the rest of us, six hung out. I actually own Guesstures and think I've only played it...once.

I had a few Wild Blue beers and two shots with my partner, the owner of the home. I have to say, there is nothing more fun than making a fool of yourself trying to act out things for the purposes of a point, or two! Just imagine me on all four trying to get him to say cow...yeah and the silent mooing wasn't working either. Then I had squirt - if cow teets wasn't working, trying to squirt them REALLY wasn't working! Glad that I had never met these people before and likely won't see them again!

My friend dropped me back off at my car where we met for dinner, On the Border. He went home. I decided that I was too tired to drive the half hour home. For some reason exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't feel intoxicated, but I knew I couldn't drive home right then either. I decided to rest in the parking lot for a bit. My friend texted me to text him when I made it home. A dozen texts later, which mind you were very entertaining and it wasn't even the alcohol factor, I fell asleep. I woke at some point to find him standing next to my car! I followed him to his house a mile away and he showed me his couch in the basement that I quickly fell asleep!

I spent the next few days struggling with dizziness, nausea, blurred vision...I believe I had a mild concussion from the bike fall. Had I known that at the time, I wouldn't have drank anything at all the next night. Almost a week later, I have no more symptoms. My bruise on my chin is minimal and the scabs on my wrists are smaller but still present.

All in all, it was a lot of fun having game night at someone else's house and I'm glad that I went...bruise, scabs and concussion included!

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