Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baseball Update

A quick update on baseball...still in the full swing of baseball. Recently went to the Whitecaps with the Little League - which I have been going to for years and somehow wasn't asked if I wanted to buy tickets. Coincidental?

Coach felt so bad that he forgot to ask me, he gave me a free ticket. I'm feeling very odd about all the extras that I am getting from the coach. He recently gave me a $50 gift certificate to my favorite restaurant for keeping the books. Every game he comments, "You don't get paid enough for doing this!" I feel weird about it all. I wanted to give the certificate back. Granted every game there has been some issue about the score, substitutions or something else, but that's besides the point! One of the games I was even out on the field with the coaches and ump about an illegal pitcher substitution. I had no idea it was illegal, but I could verify how many innings/outs a player was in the field. Apparently, this was discussed by some of the parents at the Whitecaps game - how one "woman scorekeeper was on the field!"

I do take my responsibilities very seriously. Can I say...Scorpio?

Last week the coach asked if I would be willing to chaperone three of the boys for a weekend baseball tournament. Me? I emailed him back and asked if a "dad" wouldn't be a better option. I asked T and he is fine with it and so I said I would, but a hotel room with three teenage boys? Going to be good times...good times! What in the world am I thinking?

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