Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Recap

My first blog of 2010 and I wish I could say that I had something spectacular to write about. Sleep deprivation is having a massive impact on my motivation and creativity to write.

Since my last post, I had a fantastic whirlwind Christmas with my son and parents. My parents came into town, delayed by my mother's mishap of falling over their ailing black lab and subsequently fracturing her wrist the night before their arrival. My mother being the trooper that she is, proceeded on with their holiday festivities and hours and Christmas "cheer" later, headed to the hospital for several hours to get her arm wrapped. (Almost a week later, she was able to see the specialist and is now sporting a purple cast for the next six weeks.) However, her injury aside, they made the trek across the state (several hours later than expected) and she helped navigate the kitchen by making "ham" gravy for the potatoes and consuming a fabulous bottle of wine with me that I had purchased earlier in the year in San Francisco. Dinner was fabulous as were the gifts.

After dinner and opening gifts, we headed to the local Catholic Church to celebrate "midnight mass". The parking lot was rather empty and shortly after sitting down I realized we arrived forty minutes early as I thought the service was at 10:00p.m., not 10:30p.m. The service was definitely a first and most unforgettable Christmas service for all of us. I think it may be the last time my parents request attending church with me. Our local Catholic church offered service in three languages - alternating between English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Needless to say, we had many laughs during and after the mass!

Christmas Day was a day of trying on gifts and learning that one of my new sweaters still had the ink security tag. So the sweater wasn't packed for the ski trip. I packed up everything and by mid-day I headed to the airport for Colorado while my parents headed home.

My flight to Colorado was uneventful and my thoughts of returning back to Colorado are rampant...where everything seemed so simple. So surreal.

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