Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ACT & Genius

This afternoon I confirmed that in fact, my son is not a genius. He took the ACT examination in June. While I had purchased a study guide to aid him in taking the test, he decided that he wanted to see how well he could do on his own.

Clearly taking the ACT and a recent 6th grade graduate is not normal. Not by my standards, that is. He took the test a few Saturdays ago and today I received an email that his scores were ready. Another pit in the stomach. What if? What if he scored really well? What if he didn't? What do I do or say as his mother? What do I hope that he scored?

Opening the email and logging into the site to get his scores, it was as if I had taken the exam myself. T had mentioned that the test was long and hard, especially the science. He guessed on a lot of questions as he didn't have time to get through them all.

After I looked at his scores, I researched the program that he was applying for to see what the minimum scores were needed to qualify. He did not qualify.

Personally, I think he did pretty well, scoring a composite score of 16 with his best score actually being in Science with a 19. I give him all the credit in the world for even taking the exam! Now I guess it's a matter of whether or not he should actually study the test taking guide and take it again for entrance into the program for 8th grade or we just throw in the towel and call it good.



Anonymous said...

They are using the ACT to determine entrance into an 8th grade program? I took that exam for entrance into COLLEGE!! I took it a second time in an attempt to earn a scholarship, and I did score about 5 points higher over all the second time. Which did reach the requirements for the scholarship, only I had to have the score WHEN I APPLIED. Only they failed to mention that before I endured the expense and stress of repeating the test. Anyway.... he might do a lot better with some preparation and a second testing. Is it going to hurt anything to have him take it again? I suppose that probably depends on his personality, and how he handles defeat. Tough choices.

Ms. Independent said...

I took the ACT Junior and/or Senior year as well. I never did realize that their were study guide tools and just hoped the second time I did better for scholarships as well. My test scores did OK, but to get the scholarships to go with my gpa I needed a 32 or more and I think I ended up with a 27 or something...who remembers a number 17 years later? He will be going into 7th grade, so he missed taking high school math classes for next year, but can retest again for 8th grade if he and his teachers feel he should.