Monday, February 13, 2012

Smash Smashed

I just deleted my DVR'd recording of the second episode of Smash, mid-show.  I was actually very interested in watching Smash after seeing the previews.  It reminded me of Flash Dance.  As I am not a fan of Glee, I hoped it wouldn't be Gleeked.

As I watched the season premiere I didn't know what to think.  My son hit it on the nose as he sat on the other couch watching me.  He said, "You really wanted to love it.  And you didn't." 

He was exactly right.  I did want to love the show.  I did think it would add to my DVR collection of recordings that I am finding difficult to watch.  I hoped that maybe the second show would rope me in.  Unfortunately, it did not.  After ten minutes, I just hit stop and deleted the show.  I feel sad.  Of course glad that I have one less commitment of watching a television show, but sad that I had such hope and optimism for the show and was left with utter disappointment.

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