Tuesday, April 28, 2009

AA Group Needed

It is becoming apparently obvious to me that I have a strong inclination for a need for AA groups. Not the typical Alcoholics Anonymous group, although this past weekend I became more enlightened that the paternal side of my family has a long history of drinking. I have always wondered who in the family has the strong alcohol consumption genes as I seem to be able to drink most of my friends under the table!

In the past, I've blogged about my need to find an Anger Anonymous group. Today, I'm in search of an Auction Anonymous group. Auctions, while different then gambling, I'm sure have the same form of addiction - although I'm not quite certain as I've never had a gambling addiction or well any addiction that I can recall - unless of course it's chocolate!

While I vowed to steer clear of the WGVU auction for Grenada and the way that staff didn't respond to our concerns and issues of our "Paradise Resort", I found myself drawn to the online auction. It was if there was someone pulling my strings, pushing my buttons, alluring me to the unknown, beckoning me to the dark side. Of course I rationalize that they all seem like good deals - until of course I GOT to Grenada - or in general terms until I go to use my recently acquired purchases.

Last night the auction ended. I had bid on six things and despite my ailing internet connection due to storms and troubled lines, I managed to be the high bidder on four items. Surprisingly so, since when I went to bed last night I thought it was only three! The downfall of auction winning is that you pay for the items immediately when the use of them may not be for some time, like my winter condo for next year! All of my purchases were in mind of sharing with other people (cost too!) so enjoying my winnings comes at the cost that others will follow through with wanting to participate as well! If everything works out, there should be some great times in the future!

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